An assortment of Columbia School papers, old and new, with PDFs available to members.
Contini-Morava, Ellen. 1987. Text Cohesion and the Sign: Connectedness Between Events in Swahili Narative. Current Approaches to African Linguistics 4. pp. 107-123.
Davis, Joseph. 2004. Revisiting the gap between meaning and message. Cognitive and communicative approaches to linguistic analysis, ed. by Ellen Contini-Morava, Robert S. Kirsner, Betsy Rodríguez-Bachiller. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., pp. 155-174.
Davis, Joseph. 2004.The Linguistics of William Diver and the Linguistics of Ferdinand de Saussure. History of Linguistics in Texts and Concepts, Vol. I, ed. by G. Hassler & G. Volkmann. Münster: Nodus, pp. 307-326.
Davis, Joseph. 2009. Rule and meaning in the teaching of grammar. Language and Linguistics Compass, 1.199-221.
De Jonge, Bob. 2009. Sintassi Storica e Sincronica Dell’Italiano: Subordinazione, Coordinazione, Guistapposizione. Volume II. pp. 1-5.
De Jonge, Bob. The Existence of synonyms in a language: two forms but one, or rather two, meanings?
García, Erica and Ricardo Otheguy. 1983. Being polite in Ecuador: Strategy reversal under language contact. Lingua 61.103-132.
Hesseltine, Kelli, and Joseph Davis. 2020. "The communicative function of adjective-noun order in English." WORD 66:3, 166-193.
Huffman, Alan. 2001. The Linguistics of William Diver and the Columbia School. Word 52.29-68.
Huffman, Alan. 2006. Diver’s Theory. Advances in Functional Linguistics: Columbia School beyond its origins, ed. by Joseph Davis, Radmila J. Gorup & Nancy Stern. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., pp. 41-62.
Otheguy, Ricardo. 2002. Saussurean anti-nomenclaturism in grammatical analysis: A comparative theoretical perspective. Signal, meaning, and message: Perspectives on sign-based linguistics, ed. by W. Reid, R. Otheguy & N. Stern. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., pp. 373-403.
Reid, Wallis. 1974. The Saussurean sign as a control in linguistic analysis. Semiotext(e) 1.31-53.
Reid, Wallis. 2011. The communicative function of English verb number. Natural language & linguistic theory 29.1087-1146. [See also comment note, Contini-Morava (2011)].
Sabar, Nadav. 2019. Using big data to support meaning hypotheses for some and any. Columbia School Linguistics in the 21st Century, ed. by Nancy Stern, Ricardo Otheguy, Wallis Reid & Jaseleen Sackler. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., pp. 33-72
Stern, N. 2004. The semantic unity of reflexive, emphatic and other -self pronouns. American Speech 79.270-281.
Stern, Nancy. 2006. Tell me about yourself: A unified account of English -self pronouns. Advances in Functional Linguistics: Columbia School beyond its origins, ed. by Joseph Davis, Radmila J. Gorup & Nancy Stern. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., pp. 177-194.
Stern, Nancy. 2019. Ourself and Themself: Grammar as expressive choice. Lingua 226. pp. 35-52.
Stern, Nancy. 2019. Columbia School linguistics in the functional-cognitive space of the 21st century. Columbia School Linguistics in the 21st Century, ed. by Nancy Stern, Ricardo Otheguy, Wallis Reid & Jaseleen Sackler. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Co., pp. 1-32.