Research Fellowship and Dissertation Fellowship
Request for proposals 2019-2020
Research Fellowship
Each successful applicant (Research Fellow) must be either (a) a matriculated student in good standing in a recognized graduate program in linguistics or related area, or (b) an applicant to such a program, or (c) a recent graduate of such a program. The Research Fellow will receive a stipend of between $10,000 and $15,000 for the period from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020.
Dissertation Fellowship
Each successful applicant (Dissertation Fellow) must be a doctoral student in linguistics or a related area, who will use the funding toward a dissertation undertaken from the perspective of CS linguistics. The application should state that the research is part of a dissertation. The Dissertation Fellow will receive a stipend of $25,000 for the period from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2020.
Financial Information
All Fellows’ stipends are calculated on the basis of a 12-month calendar year. Assuming satisfactory progress in the judgment of the Society’s Executive Committee, stipend payments will be made on a quarterly basis by the Society. The Fellowship includes paid membership in the Society.
The application consists of a statement of the analytical problem to be addressed, an account of existing CS analyses if any, a brief preliminary review of other relevant literature, and a description of the data to be used. The application is not to exceed 10 double-spaced pages written in 12-point font.
The application should include the applicant's CV, including telephone number and email address and the name of the applicant’s graduate school, as well as the name of the Mentor. The CV is not counted in the page limit for the application.
Current Fellows may apply for continuing support for either the same or a new topic, by submitting a new full proposal. Applicants who have received funding from the Society in the past must include with the new application a report on previous funding. See below for information regarding the format of the report, which is not counted in the page limit for the new application.
The deadline for receipt of proposals is May 31, 2019. Proposals will be reviewed by members of the Society’s Executive Committee, assisted by such additional reviewers as they may deem appropriate. The Society will make every effort to notify applicants by the end of June 2019. The application must be submitted electronically to Professor Alan Huffman of the City University of New York.
Requirements of the Fellowship
The Fellow is expected to be an active supporter of the Society in all activities pursuant to its mission
The Fellow is expected to participate on a regular basis in the bi-monthly Society Seminar.
The Fellow is expected to be the lead presenter in two of these seminars in the Fall and two in the Spring. These presentations should be devoted to reports of work-in-progress and consultation with Seminar members.
The Fellow is expected to provide a written year-end progress report detailing the state of the analysis at the end of the Fellowship period. The report should be presented in the format of an academic paper suitable for publication. It should be prepared following standard academic format relying on the LSA style sheet, and submitted to Professor Huffman via the link below. The report is due by August 31, 2020.
After the Fellowship period ends, the Fellow is expected to make every effort to publish results in a recognized academic venue. Publications and dissertations resulting from the Fellowship should acknowledge the support of the Society and copies should be sent to Professor Huffman.